The fifth MEL-ARI/NID Workshop and COST meeting will take place in Pisa,
Italy, from February 24 to February 26, 2000. The workshop will gather
participants in the projects
funded within MEL-ARI
and in the new NID pro-active
initiative. Presentations from the projects and invited talks from experts
outside the MEL-ARI/NID initiative will focus on the application of a broad
range of nano-scale technologies to information processing and on the perspectives
for replacing mainstream approaches, such as CMOS, when they will reach
the expected physical limits for miniaturization. Previous workshops have
been held in Lille
(February 1998), Cambridge
(July 1998), Marseille (February 1999), Duisburg (July
1999). For the first time, the workshop will also host the meeting
of the working group on spin-injection into semiconductors
of the COST action on Mesoscopic Electronics.
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What do you
think about
the Nanoelectronics Roadmap?
Local contact person:
Massimo Macucci
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Via Diotisalvi, 2
I-56126 PISA
Tel. +39-050-568537
FAX +39-050-568522
(replace xxxx with macucci)
Contact person at the European Commission:
Ramón Compañó
European Commission
Information Society Technologies Programme
FAX +32-2-296 83 90
e-mail: (replace xxxx with ramon)
This site was last updated the 20th of February 2000.